Funerals at St Gabriel’s

A bereave­ment is one of the toughest things we have to face.

If you have suffered a bereave­ment and want the clergy of St Gabriel’s to con­duct the funer­als you should contact the clergy imme­di­ately.

Booking a funeral at St Gabriel’s

Funeral Dir­ect­ors

A bereave­ment is one of the toughest things we have to face. If you have suffered a bereave­ment and want the clergy of St Gabriel’s to con­duct the funer­als you should contact the clergy imme­di­ately. You should also con­tact a local funeral dir­ector as soon as pos­sible. They will advise you about all the arrange­ments that need to be made for a funeral to take place in a church or at a crematorium.It is essen­tial that arrange­ments are made in con­sulta­tion with the clergy to ensure they are free to take the service.

Funer­als in Church

Chris­tian funer­als are occa­sions of sad­ness but also hope, because the Chris­tian faith prom­ises that all those who die believ­ing in Jesus Christ will rise again from the dead at the end of time. If you would like a funeral to take place at St Gabriel’s, you should contact the clergy and a local funeral director.

Funer­als at Crem­at­oria

The clergy of St Gabriel’s also conduct funerals at crem­at­oria.  If you would like a funeral at a crem­at­orium to be taken by one of the clergy of St Gabriel’s, you should contact the clergy and a local funeral director.

For fees, get in touch with Julie Anderson at the office.